Efficient QoS-Aware Spatial Join Processing for Scalable NoSQL Storage Frameworks


Current cloud-enabled NoSQL database frameworks support flexible and scalable storage of huge amounts of data arriving through various and often heterogeneous channels. However, they do not natively provide optimised processing of spatial data, thus making it more difficult to perform accurate data analytics needed in many smart city application scenarios. To improve the performance of spatial data computation in the NoSQL MongoDB storage framework, this article proposes a novel data partitioning method based on dimensionality reduction. The underlying key idea is to reduce a spatial data representation from multi to single dimensionality, by still maintaining its geometrical meaning and by employing a specific geo-encoding scheme, i.e., a geohash string. In particular, the geohash string is used as a sharding key in order to store geometrically-nearby objects into the same chunks (and consequently into the same shard). In addition, as a distinctive feature, we have extended the MongoDB framework with a custom spatial QoS-aware optimizer that exploits our novel partitioning scheme to support two, typically expensive, types of spatial queries with QoS guarantees. Those queries are containment (and consequently top-N) and proximity. The paper also contributes to the existing literature with extensive experimental results about the performance of both our partitioning method and query optimizer; the reported results show that our solutions outperform baselines by orders of magnitude.

in IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management
