PhD course - Designing Distributed Geospatial Data-Intensive Applications


PhD degree level course

I am co-teaching this PhD course in collaboration with Prof. Luca Foschini during 2022 at University of Bologna.

Course Description

With most data arriving from real-world data-intensive problems being geo-referenced, it is becoming indispensable to design distributed geospatial software solutions for the large-scale management of such data. This course brings the foundational knowledge, explaining pivotal aspects pertinent to designing highly efficient distributed geospatial solutions for data-intensive applications. It covers the enabling technologies and architectures in Cloud storage and computing, including programing models (such as MapReduce and SQL-like declarative models) and algorithms from a middleware perspective.


Part# Slides
Part 1: Introduction to distributed data-intensive applications download part1_1 : 18 July 2022 download part1_2 : 18 July 2022
Part 2: Designing highly efficient geospatial data-intensive solutions download part2_1 : 22 July 2022 download part2_2 : 25 July 2022 download part2_3 : 25 & 27 July 2022
Part 3: Designing QoS-aware approximate solutions for distributed geo-spatial data-intensive applications download part 3 : 27 July 2022
Part 4: state-of-art relevant papers discussion download part 4 : 29 July 2022

course site: PhD Course 2022

in collaboration with Prof. Luca Foschini

Isam Al Jawarneh
Isam Al Jawarneh
Assistant Professor

My research interests include big data management (Cloud & Edge), large-scale geospatial database systems,context-aware recommender systems, data warehousing & data lakes.