Current Funding
Microsoft AI for Earth Fund
project title: Supporting Highly-Efficient Machine Learning Applications for Reducing the Impact of Climate Change on Human Health in Metropolitan Cities
Role: PI
Period: 07/30/2020 - 07/30/2022
Mentors: Prof.
Paolo Bellavista & Prof.
Luca Foschini
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Project Description
The research project targets the challenge of reducing the adverse effects of climate changes on human health. Applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on spatially-tagged time-series human and vehicle mobility data to help in the efforts for reducing potential impacts of climate change.
Click here to view previous fundings
Previous Funding
Fund source: University of Business and Technology
Project title: a data warehouse for decision support at higher education
Role: PI
Period: 02/01/2015 - 12/30/2015
Amount: ~$8000