

  • SpatialSSJP is a QoS-aware adaptive stream-static join processor that exploits a custom geospatial online sampling method for selecting proportionate sampling fraction through the application of an embedded rate controller and serve it to SAOS using a feedback loop mechanism.
  • SpatialSSJP is an approximation framework that is designed to efficiently tradeoff miniscule error-bounded accuracy for low-latency, thereby assisting SpatialDSMS to survive during brutal burst spikes in data arrival rates.
    • SpatialSSJP achieves that in a circadian rhythm without counteracting the benifits of its controller

publication: Manuscript submitted to an IEEE Transactions journal

Isam Al Jawarneh
Isam Al Jawarneh
Assistant Professor

My research interests include big data management (Cloud & Edge), large-scale geospatial database systems,context-aware recommender systems, data warehousing & data lakes.
