37085 - Principles, Models and Applications for Distributed Systems M - LAB


Master degree level course

I taught the Lab of this course as a Teaching Asisstant (TA) during 2017/2018 at University of Bologna. The course covers the Knowledge related to the technologies needed for the management and usage of computer networks and distributed systems.

Topics of the lab Included:

advanced programming topics in Java for designing effective distributed systems, such as multithreading, connected and connectionless socket programming, remote procedure call & object invocation, in addition to client server interaction.

course site: 37085

with Prof. Maurelio Boari

Isam Al Jawarneh
Isam Al Jawarneh
Assistant Professor

My research interests include big data management (Cloud & Edge), large-scale geospatial database systems,context-aware recommender systems, data warehousing & data lakes.